Making a Contribution for an Initiative Petition

An initiative petition contribution is an amount of money or the value of any property or services provided without compensation by way of donation, advance, deposit, discount or otherwise to an authorized participant in relation to an initiative petition.

Anonymous initiative petition contributions must only be made in response to a general solicitation for funds at a function held on behalf of or in relation to the proponent of the initiative petition and must have a value of less than $50. Total anonymous contributions accepted in relation to an initiative petition must not exceed $5,000.

The financial agent must record the following information for each initiative petition contribution:

  • the value of the contribution
  • the date the contribution was made
  • the full name and address of the contributor
  • the class of the contributor as described in the Recall and Initiative Act
  • if the contributor is a numbered corporation or an unincorporated organization, the full names and addresses of at least two individuals who are directors of the organization, or if there are no individual directors, who are principal officers or principal members of the organization


Additionally, cash contributions must be $100 or less and contributions over $100 must be made by cheque, money order, or credit card signed by the contributor.